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Old 25-08-2021, 06:36 AM   #14041
The 'Stihl' Man
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by cs123 View Post
I've seen Gladys in action. She is the same as Scomo.

The order goes
Maybe some other state
Then the rest

If Scomo ran the states. You can be sure that it would be Sydney/NSW first, then other states a distant, distant 3rd.

Melbourne has issues last year and there was a congo line of Libs laying into him. Gladys screwed the pooch this year and we had scomo on the telly breathlessly telling us it was a national emergency.

I know people in another state who have been booked in for a vaccination this week that have had them cancelled. The reason. No deliveries of pfizer coming. I also know people in Sydney who say they have booked in with a 2 day wait.

Not really fair is it? Especially as Gladys is sprinting to reach her finish line and damn the rest. I'll take all your pfizers...

I'm in no way an labor person, but this double set of standards we are seeing is sickening.
I see that has a Premier doing the job they were elected too, and that is to do the best for their state not everyone elses...thats were the Feds should have power to look at the bigger picture.

Thats my utopia anyway, thought thats how it was meant to work
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Old 25-08-2021, 07:10 AM   #14042
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Originally Posted by Trevor 57 View Post
I see this morning that the W.A. Premier has basically told the Prime Minister that they are not going with the full plan of 70% & 80%, they are chasing zero cases as well

I wonder how ScoMo & Co will react to that little bit of news
The reaction..

Scott Morrison’s caveman comments alienate Western Australia


And there has already been a reaction to the reaction......

The country is as divided as its ever been.

Personally I think everyone should stick to the plan. Both ways, if the plans say it's too risky to open with 1000s of cases, then any state with 1000s of cases needs to bring it down. No one complained when the plan was released, they all knew the deal.

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Old 25-08-2021, 07:36 AM   #14043
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Originally Posted by Polyal View Post
Why should he react at all, the people of WA will for him. PM needs to keep the goal to get that target otherwise we will never get there.

If other states want to drag their feet then thats their issue, once a state hits 80 or whatever it is the time to get on with it.

If other states want to stay locked in fine, but, if someone is fully vaccinated and has no symptoms why cant I cross the border?
yer ....... right
I work transport , haven't been giving time off dur in this , yous need ya toilet paper
I'm at work at 5am , usually finish 12 hrs latter so popping down for an injection isn't easy , even harder when you have to book
I tried booking late may and was told no gaps for almost the next two months
did re book then to get it cancelled
just can't keep trying to take time for maybes and want the injection , trying to get re booked when they are open to ring and I'm not busy
and yes I'm trying again to get in atm

Originally Posted by Polyal View Post
I see that has a Premier doing the job they were elected too, and that is to do the best for their state not everyone elses...thats were the Feds should have power to look at the bigger picture.

Thats my utopia anyway, thought thats how it was meant to work
so she is doing the best for her state and he isn't
yet WA hasn't seemed to have had the problem NSW has , so maybe he has done some right stuff , and we aren't the ones confined or if you want to say it another way locked in a cave
yes still (as money n time permit) doing the

rebuilding the zh fairlane with a clevo 400m 4v heads injected whipple blown with aode 4 speed trans to a 9" ....... we'll get there eventually

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Old 25-08-2021, 08:11 AM   #14044
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
The reaction..

Scott Morrison’s caveman comments alienate Western Australia


And there has already been a reaction to the reaction......

The country is as divided as its ever been.

Personally I think everyone should stick to the plan. Both ways, if the plans say it's too risky to open with 1000s of cases, then any state with 1000s of cases needs to bring it down. No one complained when the plan was released, they all knew the deal.
You know the old saying " divide et impera " you have to divide to conquer, and its working, the nation is being divided into manageable sections easy to sort then, of course attributed to Julius Caesar but conceived in reality by Philip 2nd of Macedon!
I don't like it, this is more than a bloody virus, it's a lot deeper than that, and I don't like it!

Cheers Billy
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Old 25-08-2021, 08:40 AM   #14045
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Originally Posted by wodahs View Post
yer ....... right
I work transport , haven't been giving time off dur in this , yous need ya toilet paper
I'm at work at 5am , usually finish 12 hrs latter so popping down for an injection isn't easy , even harder when you have to book
I tried booking late may and was told no gaps for almost the next two months
did re book then to get it cancelled
just can't keep trying to take time for maybes and want the injection , trying to get re booked when they are open to ring and I'm not busy
and yes I'm trying again to get in atm

so she is doing the best for her state and he isn't
yet WA hasn't seemed to have had the problem NSW has , so maybe he has done some right stuff , and we aren't the ones confined or if you want to say it another way locked in a cave
And if WA wants to stay shut thats ok, their choice, but the people will start to revolt.

WA is not the same because it isnt the same, its too hard to compare to VIC and NSW so yes they have less excuses if it gets out of control.

Australia is not lagging big time in this whole debacle. Have a quick google and see many countries just getting on with it because ultimate there is no choice.

I understand your frustration, I have only been able to book in my 1st shot this week due to supply issues and I am in NSW so its not all roses here either.

They needed to prioritise areas/states, makes sense to me. Ideally supply would have been better and everyone had the same chance but that didnt happen so here we are and leaders needed to make a choice. If we take our personal opinions out and be objective it makes sense.

If people want to lock themselves in their house until they have a vaccine then that is also an option.
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Old 25-08-2021, 09:53 AM   #14046
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wodahs, even though I'm not surprised being WA has hardly suffered much like us on the east your comment on making time shows the diff.
Here from my observations and me as an employer staff are given the time off with pay once they have got their booking date and gladly re my staff.
Doesn't your employer offer the same ? or any in Perth/WA for that matter ?
Yep your flat out I read that but your Employer should be helping or giving you/all employees the opportunity to book and support full stop.
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Old 25-08-2021, 10:05 AM   #14047
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Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
wodahs, even though I'm not surprised being WA has hardly suffered much like us on the east your comment on making time shows the diff.
Here from my observations and me as an employer staff are given the time off with pay once they have got their booking date and gladly re my staff.
Doesn't your employer offer the same ? or any in Perth/WA for that matter ?
Yep your flat out I read that but your Employer should be helping or giving you/all employees the opportunity to book and support full stop.
Agreed, im not even using PL to get my shot, any employer that is sluggin their staff to get the shot is being an absolute twat to say the least.

If you have reactions to the shot and need some time off even then that IMO could be paid time off since you are doing it for the better of the business but most will ask for PL.
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Old 25-08-2021, 10:07 AM   #14048
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Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
wodahs, even though I'm not surprised being WA has hardly suffered much like us on the east your comment on making time shows the diff.
Here from my observations and me as an employer staff are given the time off with pay once they have got their booking date and gladly re my staff.
Doesn't your employer offer the same ? or any in Perth/WA for that matter ?
Yep your flat out I read that but your Employer should be helping or giving you/all employees the opportunity to book and support full stop.
I am in transport too, and we are actively supporting all of ours to get vaccinated. If your Company management in WA cannot see what will happen on opening up, with heaps of your fleet being barred from sites if not vaxxed (already happening in lots of instances in NSW) then they will be in for a rude shock.
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Old 25-08-2021, 10:15 AM   #14049
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
wodahs, even though I'm not surprised being WA has hardly suffered much like us on the east your comment on making time shows the diff.
Here from my observations and me as an employer staff are given the time off with pay once they have got their booking date and gladly re my staff.
Doesn't your employer offer the same ? or any in Perth/WA for that matter ?
Yep your flat out I read that but your Employer should be helping or giving you/all employees the opportunity to book and support full stop.

You are dead right, WA has not suffered anywhere near what other states have, I never gloat and am grateful for being here, but life is normal here, its almost like your badly affected states, before the corona virus arrived there.

Life is easy here, I can understand an employer not caring about their employees being vaccinated, it is just absolutely normal in Perth, and I believe most West Australians are living in a complacency bubble, mainly due to our Premier encouraging folk here to just " ride out the storm"

Most folk are of average intelligence and some lesser than that, and you have the above average too, but Mark McGowan is a liar and is very convincing at talking it up, he is not charismatic but he is able to pull the wool over folks eyes very convincingly, he is a danger not only to the people of WA but to himself!

But when a man driving a bus 12 hours a day tries so hard to get vaccinated and can't, well the State Government has failed him, badly, and just imagine how many passengers he greets every day? But the fact he can't get vaccinated is shocking

Cheers Billy
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Old 25-08-2021, 10:24 AM   #14050
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Billy - you really need to get out a bit more.
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Old 25-08-2021, 10:56 AM   #14051
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A good mate of mine is a truck driver who works nights delivering stock to kfc's and dominos. So with the NSW lockdowns you'd think demand for that would be pumping. But he has been put on reduced hours. But whats odd is its not set hours. So he will be at home for days, then get a call to say come in the next night but he has to have a current negative covid test. Thats not the end of the world really, the test part atleast as we live in one of the hotspot LGA's.
I still speak to people from my old work, and that place has turned into a bit of a circus. So people who have been there long term and over time negotiated better pay deals are sort of getting squezzed out in favour of people desperate for any work due to the covid but willing to do the same work for significantly less pay. And in saying that, some of the stuff ups i hear about i have a difficult time getting my head around how that even happens.
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Old 25-08-2021, 11:04 AM   #14052
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NSW reporting 919 local cases + 2 overseas cases, also 2 deaths for yesterday.
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Old 25-08-2021, 11:07 AM   #14053
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32.X% fully vaccinated now.

Over 900 cases yesterday.

We should get to 6.5 million fully vaccinated by the end of the month.

Still hoping for 35% by the end of August.

55% by the end of September,

70% by the end of October,

80% by the end of November.

Shots per day drop after 70%.

Still hoping for unrestricted internal travelling for Christmas holidays.

Still hoping for several OS travel options in January.

Got my passport expiring in September. Would be wonderful to renew it with a mark for full vaccination.

See what happens

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Old 25-08-2021, 11:29 AM   #14054
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by DJR-351 View Post
NSW reporting 919 local cases + 2 overseas cases, also 2 deaths for yesterday.

Every death is tragic but I hope they give some details around this? RIP and so sad for those left behind. 30 years old!
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Old 25-08-2021, 12:15 PM   #14055
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Data valid as at 00:00 GMT August 24th 2021.

: As not all Australian States report at the same time, the data below is based on the previous full day reporting.

814 new cases for Australia and 0 deaths so the CMR is 2.152%.

42 new cases and no deaths for NZ so CMR is 0.840%.

The UK had a lower 30,619 cases yesterday and higher 174 deaths for a CMR of 2.011%.

A lower 117,884 new cases in the USA yesterday and lower 735 deaths sees CMR at 1.667%.

Other notable points:

Nicaragua (495) - weekly reported;
Timor-Leste (532);
Sri Lanka (4,446) - the 7th consecutive day;
Greece (4,608); and
Cuba (9,907)

... recorded new highs; those in blue for the second consecutive day and those in red for a third or more consecutive day.

Denmark moves above the 90th percentile for the 10 day period and Zimbabwe drops below.


Observatio Facta Rotae

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Old 25-08-2021, 12:26 PM   #14056
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NSW sets another record high with 921 cases in the previous reporting period and the 'actual' line is now back even with the predictive trend line plus the 10-day average growth rate is back up to 1.092 and I still expect daily cases to pass 1k this week.



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Old 25-08-2021, 12:43 PM   #14057
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Polyal View Post

Every death is tragic but I hope they give some details around this? RIP and so sad for those left behind. 30 years old!
Sadly I think the younger age will be a growing statistic we will need to come to grips with....
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Old 25-08-2021, 01:14 PM   #14058
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Just heard that, for VIC, if you are under 40 and had already booked in for AZ (before the Pfizer annoucement), then you are given a choice on the day whether you want the AZ or Pfizer. But that ends tomorrow. So if you book after that date, you get given what you booked in for.

to the 15,000+ Victorians who cancelled their bookings when Pfizer was announced. Now they go to the back of the queue.

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
32.X% fully vaccinated now.
Still hoping for unrestricted internal travelling for Christmas holidays.

Still hoping for several OS travel options in January.
Think you'll get the first..... not a chance on the 2nd!

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Old 25-08-2021, 01:26 PM   #14059
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Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
32.X% fully vaccinated now.

Over 900 cases yesterday.

We should get to 6.5 million fully vaccinated by the end of the month.

Still hoping for 35% by the end of August.

55% by the end of September,

70% by the end of October,

80% by the end of November.

Shots per day drop after 70%.

Still hoping for unrestricted internal travelling for Christmas holidays.

Still hoping for several OS travel options in January.

Got my passport expiring in September. Would be wonderful to renew it with a mark for full vaccination.

See what happens

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YT, no chance unrestricted internal travel as far as I can see looking ahead.
Depends on jabs right around the country and Prems decisions on border openings.

OS travel options ? wouldn't even think about it for Jan.

I'd just work on a NSW holiday mate when if the time comes.
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Old 25-08-2021, 01:41 PM   #14060
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Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
Just heard that, for VIC, if you are under 40 and had already booked in for AZ (before the Pfizer annoucement), then you are given a choice on the day whether you want the AZ or Pfizer. But that ends tomorrow. So if you book after that date, you get given what you booked in for.

to the 15,000+ Victorians who cancelled their bookings when Pfizer was announced. Now they go to the back of the queue.

Think you'll get the first..... not a chance on the 2nd!
After the NZ travel bubble there was talk of a few more opening up before the end of the year.

They keep saying that after 80% things will return to 'some normality' including borders opening. I think we will have a few options for travel bubbles come Jan.

NZ, SG, HK, perhaps Sth Korea? New Caledonia?

Nothing wrong with daydreaming - being under house arrest it gives me something to look fwd to... hopefully.

I've been around the world a couple of times or maybe more.......
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Old 25-08-2021, 01:42 PM   #14061
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Originally Posted by FTE217 View Post
YT, no chance unrestricted internal travel as far as I can see looking ahead.
Depends on jabs right around the country and Prems decisions on border openings.

OS travel options ? wouldn't even think about it for Jan.

I'd just work on a NSW holiday mate when if the time comes.
Should have clarified - internal holidays to those that are fully vaccinated.

Just a guesstimate - soon find out.

I've been around the world a couple of times or maybe more.......
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Old 25-08-2021, 01:46 PM   #14062
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You need something like this to drive. Who’s going to stop you to ask questions?

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Old 25-08-2021, 01:52 PM   #14063
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Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
Should have clarified - internal holidays to those that are fully vaccinated.

Just a guesstimate - soon find out.
Lol when you said internal I thought you meant NSW internal. Not sure on the interstate either at the current rate, not because of jabs, but because of case count.

NZ... Probably not a good time to raise the subject... Bad day today.

Stay positive

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Old 25-08-2021, 02:00 PM   #14064
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A funny bit from ACT presser

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Old 25-08-2021, 02:06 PM   #14065
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Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
Lol when you said internal I thought you meant NSW internal. Not sure on the interstate either at the current rate, not because of jabs, but because of case count.

NZ... Probably not a good time to raise the subject... Bad day today.

Stay positive
I think the polies are slowly coming to terms with the fact even with high % vaccinated there will be high rates of transmission and inevitable deaths.

We will just follow what other countries are doing now, eventually.

When we were all clean freaks flu deaths dropped to near nothing, prior to covid it was several hundred deaths a year.

In time we will get a yearly covid booster shot to match predicted strains much like they do with the flu.

In fact they may well combine it in one shot.

Mask wearing will become common place and acceptable in certain outside situations and short term quarantine periods for travellers along with more accurate tests will become the norm.

Late December to early next year we will get a much better understanding of what future life will look like.

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Old 25-08-2021, 02:10 PM   #14066
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Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
Who's who in the poo?
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Old 25-08-2021, 02:15 PM   #14067
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Originally Posted by FoxtrotGolfXray 5.0 View Post
Who's who in the poo?
We always said polies were full of 5h1t...

Now they are even talking cr@p amongst themselves..

That sign language girl is doing a pretty good job, I wouldn't dare say she is the number 2 signer based on her skill but she seems tired, perhaps she needs a stool??

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Old 25-08-2021, 02:17 PM   #14068
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
Should have clarified - internal holidays to those that are fully vaccinated.

Just a guesstimate - soon find out.
Yeah bit confusing.Feds and State Govts both say that mandatory vaccines aren’t on the agenda,but more and more Govt deps and private buslnesses are openly saying basically no jab no entry
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Old 25-08-2021, 02:21 PM   #14069
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
Its funny I imagine, just by reading the small brief for I'm not bothering to listen to the bs but at the same time the headline and whats its about highlights the lack of quality we're all having to see whilst we voters are all in varying positions of struggles/hardships.
Is there anyone that presents themselves of any worth ?
It sure doesn't seem as though.
You know when you watch a challenging sporting team and game in a big game and some players just can't step up that extra level to perform under pressure ?
Well all these pollies wouldn't even make Reserve grade but qualify at school playground levels.
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Old 25-08-2021, 02:33 PM   #14070
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

I'm continuing to watch Florida and the UK both of which are around that 80% benchmark we are all waiting for. While we are still watching the current fortnight of data, I can say that their current CMR's are almost identical at ~0.335% which might well end up being the future rate we are all looking at.

What does that really mean?

It means that for every 1,000 daily cases, there would be a bit over 3 deaths which is a big improvement on the current NSW rate of 1.3% (13 per 1,000) and then the level of acceptability would simply depend on how many cases there actually were.

Obviously, the 1K/day rate wouldn't be sustainable but if it was (or got worse) that would result in ~1,200 COVID deaths per annum (more than twice the Influenza deaths but about the same as as bad year road toll) assuming that CMR held.

At the current CMR it would be almost 4,800 deaths which probably isn't acceptable and if we saw pro-rata case numbers like the UK (their 10-DA is 31k/day) we'd be seeing 10k cases per day and 38 deaths (~14k per annum) even at the lower CMR.


Observatio Facta Rotae

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