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Old 08-10-2023, 11:14 PM   #15
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Default Re: The purpose of the indicator...

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
Mirror, indicator, slow down, gear down - that exact order is what I had drummed into my head when I was doing driving lessons for my licence.

Before you even think about doing something, rear vision mirror.

Or more recently in a truck, left and right mirrors - entering intersection, left mirror, through intersection right mirror, out of intersection left mirror again.

Standard of driving is woeful on our roads, too much focus on some things and let people get away with absolute murder on others. God forbid you drive with one hand on the steering wheel and one on the shifter in a truck, but lets not cover anything what so ever about the fatigue management laws and how they work

Its not an overly expensive process to get a car licence in Australia, its a little more expensive for truck licence ($2000 but not significant expense), because you just learn by others passing down their bad habits to you.

On my Ls the first time I saw traffic lights was in my licence test, I spent 200 hours driving on my local country highway, then the next day after passing my licence test by the skin of my teeth I was picking up customers cars with mechanical faults in South Melbourne and bringing them back to Essendon - the first car I picked up was a Holden Rodeo with no brakes.

When I first got behind the wheel I struggled driving on the left side of the road, in my world cars were left hand drive and you drove on the right, thats what I'd been brain washed with as a kid, 10+ years playing video games and then I get behind the wheel when I get my Ls, it was difficult to get that out of my head.

and don't forget to turn your head .. for a head check as sometimes you can miss a vehicle in your blind spot.
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