Thread: Car brokers
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Old 19-09-2020, 02:16 PM   #3
Fairlane 500
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Default Re: Car brokers

Plenty of them double dip, they charge the buyer to find a car for them
then they often get a sling back from the dealer when the car is paid for.

I have been in the trade since 1974 & seen some very dubious people who have not got the money or
for some other reason do the broking thing.

One absolute dudder ex used car salesman who I know went into doing this after not being able to hold down a job anywhere for more than five minutes.
One day I heard him boasting that it was easy to sign up & charge people up front to get them a car
then, after they had paid him it did not matter if he found them a car because he had been paid anyway.

If he he did find them a car it was generally from a mate who would pay him a commission on top
& the customer normally felt that after paying the broker they should buy from him
otherwise they had thrown away their money.

Most of them can get people finance which gives them another brokerage commission & sell you an extended warranty which they also can make over $1,000 profit from selling.

No point in deliberately paying someone else to be a middle man.

They are only in it for themselves, they do not handle any liability or warranty.

It is easy money if they can suck people in.
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