Thread: Speakers
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Old 24-11-2023, 08:20 PM   #11
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Default Re: Speakers

Hi. Haven't yet seen a full crossover on a set of 3 way car speakers, they just tend to use caps to cut the low frequencys out of the signal going to the hi-mids and tweeters but don't put a choke on to cut the highs going to the low-mid driver. If the factory system has splits it will probably be a single cone bass driver connected straight to the head unit and a tweeter with a cap to cut out the bass. Even though they send the full range signal to the bass driver it cant reproduce the higher frequencys that the tweeter can so other than some wasted energy (getting turned into heat) its not really a problem. For replacement speakers go with some entry level splits from a well known supplier and just fit the bass drivers to start with as it may be more trouble that it is worth to change the tweeters (ie: changing the tweeters on a nissan means cutting the retainers for the a pillar trim and at the moment these are unobtainable and would need replacing to hold the trim in place if air bags go off). Cheers MD




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