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Old 07-11-2023, 04:38 PM   #14
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Default Re: 'Post Pandemic' - On the roads

Originally Posted by blueoval View Post
I think its a combination of a lot of things. The fact that its post pandemic is just a marker we can probably agree on collectively to pin point in time where things started to go down hill.

I put it down to the following issues in no particular order:
- Interest rates increasing putting mortgage stress on people
- Work loads have increased with little to nothing in return for the extra efforts
- Lack of housing availability to buy or rent
- Living arrangements due to lack of housing.
- Lifestyles that were more abundant now are no longer affordable in current financial climate
- Health issues & deaths of individuals/family members have risen
- Pressure to make sure a roof if kept over ones heads is higher than ever before
- Seeing high profile people living a certain life not seeming to struggle while you are trying to make ends meet
- Social Media
- Trying to maintain a lifestyle to 'keep up' with other friends
- Really disliking your job
- Having to deal with delusional people on the roads while you are struggling to get to work
- Disappointment with inept governments not assisting those in actual need
- Apathy for fellow man
- Family break downs (i.e. Divorce/separation)

Now I know a lot of these can be argued for or against. But I have noticed there is a dark attitude creeping in based on the people around me and what I have read online. Not all of it is like this, but I have noticed a trend of it is more apparent than pre-pandemic.
Best post in this thread and best post i've read in a while, exactly my thoughts, you put it into words perfectly.
Proud owner of the ugliest Ford ever made
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