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Old 14-04-2023, 12:01 PM   #35
Peter Car
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Default Re: Tesla ‘autopilot’ crash driver to stand trial after critically injuring woman

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
I reckon its misleading customers, its similar to the Lorna Jane fiasco and the COVID beating pants.

This is from Tesla's own website:

So 'full self-driving capability', what does that mean to everyone here? To me that means it drives itself - until you use 'autopilot' in the suburbs and it ices a pedestrian getting off a tram.
And that is exactly where the problem lies, with these moronic Tosla fools that think it's so much more advanced and safer than any other system, when it's also more dangerous and not as effective as systems from other manufacturers, who never mention things like "full self driving" and "autopilot". They go to lengths to make it clear it's not fully self driving.

Too many of these Elon worshipping sheep believe the hype, and think it's fool proof. Despite all the evidence of it literally crashing into solid objects it failed to see. The system is a dud. And so are the owners who got suckered into thinking it's so much more advanced than what it is.
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