Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 15-08-2022, 07:23 AM   #19329
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by MaidMarion View Post
Ive only read the last few comments, and I think I may have commented on this thread once before when I was very VERY drunk...The Covid vaccine is a very touchy subject for me..Im kinda sorry I even spotted this thread because I cant NOT write something.

When Covid first reared its head I was terrified of catching it. I have cronic bronchitis from working atthe sub base in Adelade with the painters..I used to make anyone entering m house take their shoes off and shower immediately. Anyone.

I began researcing the vaccine to make sure I could have glad I did, and didnt just believe the stuff they posted on tv and plastered everywhere about 'how safe and effective' it is. First round of vaccinations I had 2 friends die in the States, both within a week of it. One of my best friends here also dropped dead putting her wheelie bin out 3 days after her vaccine. My daughter got a blood clot in her arm. Another friends daughter had a heart attack on the way driving home from the vaccine clinic here is SA and crshed her car and died. SA Health were on the parents doorstep asking them to sign papers before her body was even cold to 'say it wasnt caused by the vaccine'. A friend of mines mother has uncontrollable spasms in her right arm. Another friends niece is now in a wheelchair unable to walk after collapsing in the vax clinic. A good friend has heat problems. I know a girl who has seizures now but never had epilepsy before....I could go on. Ill tell you why they are still mandated, because we signed a contract that said 'We will ensure as many Australians as possible will be vaccinated to meet the quota, and use any means possible to do it'. I have seen it. I downloaded it, and it was removed from my PC and disappeared. Ill tell you why its all you hear about on tv and the news...because the vaccine companies fund our media. The vaccine companies fund our government. The vaccine companies 'pay off' everyone...and they pay them well. A thousand dollars a second they make, not bad for something that doesnt even work. Google and Facebook are more heavily invested in vaccines than IT. Google now filters your searches so you only see what they want you to. Facebook bans anti vax because he owns a HUGE company with his wife producing medicines. All is not as it seems..The vaccine wasnt created for Covid, Covid was created to use the vaccine, and none of it is about anyones health. Do you know what lowers your immune system? Washing your hands, wearing a mask, isolating and social distancing and vaccination..its a pure money pot. Sars Cov2 (Covid 19) is so closely related to SARS1 that the people who had 1 years ago cant even catch Covid 19. 30 yearnatural immunity at least. This is no 'new' threat. They know so much about it...and ironically the guy who discovered SARS1 works for Mark Zuckerberg now...
Oh dear,you really are on a rant!
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