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Old 16-09-2021, 06:53 PM   #1508
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by whitelion65 View Post
You seem like a great bloke, from reading your posts. I wish we could have a cool one together and chew the fat.
Stay strong brother.

Thank you, but I can't have a cold one anymore, and chewing the fat, you really need teeth for that!, joking of course......

I take life as it comes, I try never to dwell on the past, except if they are good happy memories, its too easy to slip into a type of melancholy that only alcohol seems to satisfy, an urge to go back over old ground and old " grudges "......not a good place to be, I like to be in control of my emotions and mouth at all times, but am only human and I take responsibility for all my actions, I do that happily, I never play the blame game, but if I find myself going down that path I quickly assess my situation, good example was when last week I dident take my Pristiq for 4 days, I should of rectified it immediately and dident!.....big mistake by me, I knew better!

As for the cancer, well, it's hard to get my head around that, because I have never had cancer before, I have to rely on others reactions to their past cancer diagnoses, Mmmm, and I can't, I can only hang on for the ride and hope I get to the end with a smile
And I will, I am always smiling, and its real not put on, but thank you for your kind words and positive outlook!

So, that's me done, how are you going? hospital and was/were suicidal, that to me is worse than my current situation, I do not believe in suicide as the panacea for our ills, but when you are battling chemical imbalances in the brain and it seems like you have grey clouds above your head 24/7 is something I can relate to.

Not all of us are " Supermen "....far from it, we are just a group of people all stuck on the same planet, with or without faults we were born with, or developed during our lives.
I most definitely do not believe in VAD, Voluntary Assisted Death, no way could I condone even the thought of ending my life prematurely because it " hurt too much "....I don't want those thoughts in my mind, never mind printed on paper with a Government Stamp of Approval!....what are they thinking, maybe it will take some of the burden off a struggling health system, or free up another bed, who knows, but to me it's murder of self, it's an insult to our Creator, who or whatever that is!

I hope to be concious when my soul/ego leaves my physical body for the end of this incarnation as Billy Slowsnake,.......
It's going to be interesting where I end up and how I get there, it's really an intriguing thought, am I scared of death?...NO......just don't really want too much pain, had enough of that in the rest of my body for a long time, caused according to my beliefs by Karma! to have some reason for being here, as different as we all are we are all in the same boat!

You look after yourself, get better soon......

Cheers Billy

Last edited by slowsnake; 16-09-2021 at 07:01 PM. Reason: Punctuation!
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