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Old 30-08-2021, 09:48 AM   #495
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Join Date: Apr 2019
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Tech Writer: Recognition for the technical writers of AFF - Issue reason: Outstanding work on the FG ICC issues. Technical Contributor: For members who share their technical expertise. - Issue reason: The insane amount of work he has put into the Falcon FG ICC is unbelievable. He has shared everything he has done and made a great deal of it available to us all. He has definitely helped a great deal of us with no personal gains to himself. 
Default Re: FORD technical service bulletin : ICC touch screen display

You can't hit it in an non-FPV with the default setting, true. By default it's set to 6K RPM like the limiter. From what I see of the FPV Cluster though, the limit is higher @6.25K RPM.

I have adjusted mine (it's an OBD2 writable setting, so no need for direct access to the EEPROM) to go off at 5.25K RPM and I can certainly "hit it" and use it to let me know when to shift up.

Whoever said what's in that quote thinks it's an on-off thing, and not adjustable, probably only fiddled with the known As-Built OBD flags - which is where the on-off part is. The adjustable setting is not part of the As-Built data, so they probably never found it while they were fiddling.

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