Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 03-01-2021, 10:38 AM   #8721
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

All this finger pointing and stone throwing is a bad look.

Go to the worldometer site for the daily numbers and you will see them describing the cases as 99.5% mild

The other bad look is all the posts about what the government is or isn't doing right. People in government are mostly (not all!) clueless or they would have real productive jobs. Depending on bureaucrats to guide the country through a crisis is ridiculous . They are in these jobs because they don't want to actually do anything , of course they are going to fold under pressure and blame everyone else

for all the numbers being bandied about and the claims of contact tracing there is basically no data to be found about all sorts of corona related subjects.

For instance here in the US the people most exposed are health care workers but someone go look up exactly how many of them caught covid (presumably at work) and how many died or were hospitalized or asymptomatic , apparently no one knows .

In Australia where you have had so few cases it should be easy to tell if a family all tested positive how many people in the family were how sick , who did they give it to and how did they give it to them ? Were they asymptomatic transmitters or actively coughing in peoples faces would be very interesting information but where are the numbers?

We can't do that here in the US with millions of cases but if you have 20 or 50 and you can't do it that should make you suspicious.

Last edited by mostly_broncos; 03-01-2021 at 10:47 AM.
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