Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 30-10-2020, 03:57 PM   #7375
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by FoxtrotGolfXray 5.0 View Post
I've been eagerly watching this figure to see when it starts to taper off. I was kinda expecting to see it start to do so already, but it seems to keep climbing. Do you have an updated global cases chart, Russ? And do you have the global daily deaths which you could overlay on that same chart to see how the trend is following (or not) the cases trend? From what we've seen in Australia, presumably we're in for a larger daily global deaths rate, too. Which is a bit of a concern.
To avoid adding to the workload Russ is doing, you may be able to find what you are looking for here:

In the bottom right hand corner there is a bar chart that is scrollable and gives daily cases, daily deaths, cumulative cases and cumulative deaths in various forms.

The daily death rate has been fairly constant, except for occasional spikes.

I would expect that the current explosion of cases in the northern hemisphere will generate an increase in fatalities after a delay owing to many cases being treated in hospital to maintain life until the treatments fail in effectiveness.

Another factor might be because the hospitals get overloaded and can not keep ahead of the increasing case numbers - let us hope that this does not eventuate.

Based on the evidence of Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and Singapore it seems inescapable to conclude that European countries and the USA particularly are now experiencing the results of not locking down early enough or with sufficient vigour.

If they can not get on top of things as they go into colder weather, which will tend to keep people indoors, they are looking at significant effect on their economies, which clearly they were trying to avoid.

Just my take on the situation, you understand.


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