Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 25-10-2020, 07:38 AM   #7210
Trevor 57
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by russellw View Post
Not up to them - it's up to the inquiry as to whether they want to see them. On the plus side, O'Brien and his negativity has been the best thing for ensuring no change of Government in this State in the foreseeable future.
quoted for truth. I didn't read this post before posting mine, well said Russ

Originally Posted by russellw View Post
So. Let me get this clear. You are happily advocating breaking the law on the simple basis that doing something, no matter how imbecilic, is better than doing nothing?

So, in your mind, it was acceptable to attack the police (and their horses) because the looney fringe / protesters against anything feel a bit miffed about not being able to gather in large groups to drink their soy lattes? Assuming of course that any of them could actually afford one in the first place.

They want to be thankful that I wasn't in charge of the countermeasures.

No one has enjoyed the situation we find ourselves in. It's been tough both socially and economically and we are all looking forward to it ending or at least returning to something closer to normal but we wouldn't be even close to ending restrictions if the measures that have been taken so far hadn't been in place.

I'm going to break my own T&C's here because I believe that the following needs to be said.

So, here's a tip. You and your rabid looney mates can take your so-called civil liberties and move somewhere else where they might be more readily accepted. Like maybe one of the communist ruled nations or even somewhere with armed conflict so you can see first hand what deprivation of freedom is really about.

Attitudes like yours make me ashamed to be Australian.
and again, I agree 100% - well said
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