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Old 10-08-2020, 08:01 PM   #3274
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Its still sort of odd how i came across the smoke shop for phone cables. Ages ago when i wanted one for the car i looked up office works and anything with a bit of legnth to it was $16 or above. So i went to woolies and they only had short ones that looked ****. But in my local shopping centre the smoke shop is accross from woolies, i dont know how many nick nacks they sell, but they do sell things like half yard glasses and stuff, so i asked the question. Oddly enough there is a phone repair shop next door. But clearly they need to start selling fags because they like to charge.
But the tobbaconist, $10 for a 4 foot cable i wont sneeze at. Yeah could probably get cheaper off shebay, but i wanted it now. And when i asked today and the bloke said like this and showed me one, when i said ill take 4 it was like today was his pay day.
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