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Old 17-07-2020, 12:00 PM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 225
Default Re: Vicroads snowflake offended at custom plate WEPN

Originally Posted by blueoval View Post
I saw this on FB. What a joke. People need to get offended by real problems in Australia and not be so dam soft.
I agree.

I went and bought two 3000kg Kinchrome jack stands today from Total Tools and some 40+ something Boomer Landcruiser owner gave me a nasty look as I loaded them into the back of the car.

I mean if I can lift it onto a trolley and into a car it doesn't mean I can't do it and if someone wants to help me overhaul my brakes the least I can do is haul back home some jack stands. The cheapy but lighter ones for $60 there were so crap I wouldn't trust my life on them.

Disabled persons rights matter too.

Don't be such a snowflake. My dad had a broken back and I've got a broken back. Don't be such a snowflake, I know my limits and there are plenty of people out there in wheelchairs that work on cars.

Then when I left the place someone blocked off one of the lanes in their landcruiser as they were trying to turn right which then made some other person in a landcruiser decided to get into the outside lane in their car, the same lane that I was moving into at the same time. So I gave it a bootful to prevent getting creamed.

Then when I had to merge into a single lane further up ahead another Landcruiser driver decided he wanted to speed up and block the gap instead of let me in as I tried to merge into the inside lane.

Oh yeah, lets not even get into the feud with my neighbour who I'm not allowed to talk about.

I think that Bogans swear so much that they've blocked any brain capacity of theirs from properly thinking things through. If only they stopped swearing so much maybe they could think clearer and have a lower blood pressure.

Same with this thread I guess everyone getting upset about vicroads banning some plates that they find offensive and a 6 page thread being made about it. Oh gee oh god we should make a petition about it! Fluffle Fluffle cluck cluck.

Settle down boomers! If you want to actually adhere to the polite qualities that you so strongly believe in then why don't you guys try actually living like that for once and stop swearing at people.

Thats what this whole vanity plate thing is about, its about making the roads a polite place to be not a statement about how "EVL-000" you guys are. We're all just going to get groceries and buy stuff we're not shooting at each other on the roads!

But none of you will actually ever admit that your car isn't a weapon because its so firmly attached to your egos. Its just a shopping trolley!

Wanna know how my dad got a broken back? He got sandwiched in between two dual cab trucks, the occupants in front of him were killed instantly and he escaped barely alive with the occupant sitting next to him dying.

Stop hooning.
De-escalate the act of driving a car.
Stop threatening others on the road with nasty mean looking 4x4s.

Act your age. If you're over 40 you shouldn't be swearing, period.

Last edited by gooseneck; 17-07-2020 at 12:16 PM.
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