Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 18-03-2020, 09:33 PM   #172
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Syndrome View Post
Bill Gates has no medical qualifications. Therefore his opinion is no more valuable than mine. But just because he is famous and wealthy he gets to promote his opinion to a much larger audience. And in that audience are a lot of lemmings who believe Bill because of his fame and wealth (he wouldn't be wealthy if he was a dumb can't eh? /sarc).

I'd rather obtain my opinion from those who are experts and work in that industry than from 'celebrities'.
To be fair to Bill, he has dedicated many years and many billions of dollars to fighting disease. I'm sure he has got a fairly good insight into the affects of infectious disease and would be far more knowledgeable on the subject than anyone discussing it in this thread.
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