Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 18-03-2020, 04:06 AM   #119
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

covid 19 is a problem because it can cause respiratory failure in the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions.
Instead of doing what we can/could to protect the elderly, healthier younger people at less risk are raiding the supermarkets, or were freely travelling to and from Europe or the USA recently - including dumbarsed dutton.
Biggest threat to humanity is and has always been humanity.

Would have been better to suspend travel/forced isolation earlier, look after the vulnerable (no exposure to them if been overseas, been in contact from anyone overseas, or even later (now) been out in large group events. The only people needing isolation right now is people that visit or work with the risk groups, and that group themselves take measures themselves.

To have everything presented to us in drips and drabs as it was is pathetic. Advice keeps changing because they want to keep the status quo because that's always been good for the conservatives and they know no different (they fight to protect the good thing they've got going on).

The core message I said above should have been said and carried out very early on. But quick early steps aren't the hallmark of a conservative gov in general, and not morrison especially.
how good is that?

Last edited by oldel; 18-03-2020 at 04:17 AM.
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