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Old 13-03-2020, 12:50 AM   #265
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Coronavirus Closes 5 Hyundai Factories.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the next week considering what has happened in the last few days. Sure we have had large domestic events up until now but AGP brings in both large domestic fans but mixed in with a lot of flyers in.

I'm big on the stance of taking the medicine up front but obviously that is an easier position to take not being a politician. I do have to say I have a buffer to absorb it and plenty don't.

There's going to be a massive effect regardless of what we do in the economy but perhaps we can avoid the worse of the health impacts and the flow on effects from that and prolonging it.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as they say and Australia in comparison to Europe and America, we are in a much better position to do this considering we have no land borders.

What I have to point is it's all well and good to say we can work from home which is true but the infrastructure is not there where I work and a lot of other businesses.

If we go large scale with this I don't think even the NBN has a chance of coping with it anyway and will expose it it as the flop we know it is.

It does not matter how prepared business is without the backbone to support it. Sure telcos might be able to boost it but who knows.

They are doing the rounds at work saying we don't have the capacity or the licencing to put everyone on VDP so who are your most important people but I have pointed out it would be far cheaper in terms of boosting that capability than not but it's not necessarily that easy.

Last edited by MITCHAY; 13-03-2020 at 01:12 AM.
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