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Old 06-10-2018, 08:39 AM   #25
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Default Re: "Autonomous" Cars - here now?

Originally Posted by Trendseeker View Post
I’ve overtaken other cars with the cruise active recently and didn’t notice any issue, although I suspected that I moved straight into the next lane rather than accelerating in the same lane first.

So I tested it today and the adaptive cruise does not prevent you from moving closer to the car in front if you press the accelerator. When you press the accelerator the digital panel displays “Override” and the car responds as you would expect. I had the cruise distance set to the maximum and I was able to move a lot closer to the car in front by accelerating. As soon as I took my foot off the accelerator the car applied the brakes and moved back to the set distance and resumed the same speed as the car in front.

So, what type of car were you driving with adaptive cruise?
A hyundai Ioniq. the distance it would sit behind was adjustable and it would not accelerate if you are within that range. I know what your saying the cruise should disengage but, and a big but I didnt get used to it perhaps there were other settings I needed to engage, disengage or whatevers.
once off it was just like any car...oh ugly though
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