Thread: Sending SMS's
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Old 24-01-2006, 03:12 PM   #46
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by foxtrot
Greenmachine i was trying to stress a point that im 18 and grew up with technology advancing around me.. odviously older people aren't as up with these things as people this age
Ah yes, the arrogance of ( some ) youth.
Think about this. I am probably the same age as your parents.
I grew up with no mobile phones, no computers, the VCR only came in when I was 16 .. hell, I can remember when we didn't have colour TV. By your standards I should be a drooling useless mess that's hard pushed to use an abacus. ( I probably am a drooling useless mess but that's another story ! )
6 years ago, I left my non technical pursuit and started in IT.
For someone that hasn't grown up around technology, by your standards, I should have failed. Well, guess what.. I haven't done too badly !!
I can also SMS on my phone without the aid of an illustrated instruction book.
Just because your parents can't send an SMS don't assume that everyone else is as technoligically challenged as they are because of their age.
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