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Old 11-12-2013, 01:55 AM   #1
Crazy Dazz
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Default "lipping" on brake rotors?

I’ve had a car failed because there are “lips” on the front rotors. Ie the outermost 2mm on the rotors isn’t machine or swept by the pads, and sits proud of the machined surface.
Not only does this make zero difference to the operation of the brakes, but I suspect this is actually the way these rotors were made???
The car has done under 80kk, the rotors look to be in perfect nic, and I have run the calipers over them and they are well within spec.

I imagine I could get them skimmed, but not sure if I could be bothered. If they need to come off, I’d probably just buy new ones, but I resent spending money that I don’t have to.

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