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Old 04-05-2013, 12:59 PM   #1
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Default Limitation of stock Brembo pads revealed

Thought I'd throw a couple of photographs of what happens when you exceed the operating limitations of brake pad linings, in this case OE Brembo pads fitted to 6 spot Brembo calipers. The rotors are DBA drilled and slotted 2 piece in 355mm.

These pads have travelled around 18k.

They have only been to the circuit once, but have done a bit of drag racing, so have hauled my GT down from over 200kmh many times.

I thought the brakes in the Scud were feeling rather soft, um, became obvious upon removal and they fell apart in my hands. Linings have seperated from the pad structure, friction material has fracured and there is large chunks MIA.. No noises, no shudder, vibration, just poor brake performance LOL.

So, please select the correct grade of pad for your application, talk to guys that know (like Matt from Race Brakes) for a recommendation on what works. And think hard about pushing your car beyond the design limitations of the hardware installed.

The Scud GT

11.4 @ 128, 1.88 60ft.
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