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Old 30-11-2012, 03:07 PM   #11
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Default Re: Bought a METAl Fiesta!

Congrats on that beautiful car.

I find that the traction control kicks in pretty early though and hardly lets anything slip, not sure if that's the same case in the Metal too, though the great Fiesta chassis can really be chucked into a corner at speed, so you may not see it as much.

Since you're in the run-in period, it's best to give it the boot every once so often. Vary the revs and don't hold it at the same rev for any long period of time.

As for the paintwork, if you can afford to give the car a weekend, give it a good hard wash with some dishwashing liquid to get absolutely everything off it, clay the paintwork down, then give it a layer of synthetic sealant. Then chuck a layer of wax on it the next week and water/dirt will slide right off and it'll be deep shiney.
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