Thread: New to cycling
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Old 17-09-2011, 06:11 PM   #21
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Default Re: New to cycling

Originally Posted by gtfpv
been cycling for 6 months myself . getting fit . its a great idea . in my case its helping me now , as i've had a setback , the fitness i thank god for .
cycling is great , i was overweight , and had a sore knee for no reason, and was told i was getting old and just get used to it . ?? wtf that was by doctors and physios after an MRI SCAN !!!!!
I BOUGHT AN $800 MERRIDA T1 FLATBAR ROAD BIKE , from a bike shop . ( buying from a bike shop is a must ) . in my case i did get suckered into a flatbar , as they say beginners in thier forty's its better for your back , i have to say F that. BUY A ROAD RACER IF YOU MEDIUM BUILT AND OK , IF YOUR VERY OBESE AND UNFIT , start on a new mountain bike , and if your stiff and very unfit with joint problems perhaps a flat bar road . in my case i wish i bought the road racer striaght up , but in my defence i bought what is called a fitness bike , so that means a little more effort on the road , but still a road bike none the less .
its a great move , but beware , when i get into things i get into them 100% , as i did you can over push it , within 1 month i was doing 60km rides , and riding sprints every 2nd day . i ended up with a bout of pnuemonia , docs said it may have been random but i may have went too hard too quick and run down my immunity . so get into it , and talk to expert bike riders and doctors , a club would be good to avoid this .
my advice is this , start slow , ride 10kms 3 times a week . then increase to 20km 3 times a week for a few months , and gradually up the pace , i managed to get up to 50km rides averaging 27.5kms an hour on my bike . i was told with a better bike my speed would've been around 29.5 average . it does get on your mind thinking after 40kms on another bike you'd be 3kms further up the road . so theres your answer there . good luck .
for me . i'm off the bike for a while and getting back into RC FLYING.
I'LL BE BACK ON THE BIKE WHEN I CAN . i hightly recommend cycling for the mind and body fittness . my legs strengthened up to no knee pain at all , hard thighs and lost 6 kgs in 3 months , you get hooked on it , so buy a bike for around $1500 to 3k 1st up if you can including computer and all accessories . you only live once mate . good luck .
I did just that 5yrs ago - spent just over $3k on a model runout with all I needed incl winter gear. I'm a football player as well at 51 and the riding over the summer keeps me well intuned for the next season - growing old is great buy more toys
Good points above depending on your current build.

kocho has a point with a hybrid - awesum models now and if your not into the full blown racer look perfect choice to still gain the desired results Sam260. My neighbour is a commuter on his hybrid - far out calves the size of water melons ! but he has done this for years and he still could do me when we did the Syd-Gong rides but I'm a weekend warrior, couldn't bear riding to work and back and he's copped a few hits nowadays.
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