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Old 03-07-2011, 09:20 PM   #1
Starter Motor
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 1
Default Parker Lights, Tail Lights and Dash/Radio Lights All Blown!

So the other week I opened the boot up and noticed two wires on the inside of the boot lid (just behind the number plate) that weren't connected. They both had sockets at the end of them and looked like they join together, so I put them together. I then proceeded to turn on my headlights, and BAM! Out goes the parker lights, tail lights and radio/dash lights. The high beam still works as do my brake lights, flickers and windscreen wipers. I've checked all the fuses and they are all fine, is there a possibility I have destroyed a relay somewhere? Ford told me that I need a new combo switch, but im not so sure because I know that when I put those two boot lid wires together, thats when it occured. Any ideas or thoughts on the matter would be much apprecitated!!

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