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Old 17-01-2005, 02:14 PM   #30
Yellow Fire
Cleveland Powered
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 200

Originally Posted by Discovery
For me (who works as scrutineering supervisor and doesn't get to see too much of the actual show) highlights were:

The improved attitute of the entrants, the general lift in standard of the cars that came through (not so many being told flat out no), the cool 3D graphics on a holden wagon of Spiderman, meeting up with all my old friends, seeing a few new cars coming through and the alcoholic slushies (!!!!!) that helped me through Saturday.
Hi Discovery,

Hopefully you can shed some light on something I've always wondered about Summernats scrutineering. How many cars get turned away at the gate for not being of a high enough standard, & how exactly is this determined? I would have assumed that the details required on the entry form would be enough to judge whether a car was worthy of entry. Do these people bring different cars to those they entered?

Please don't think this is a dig at you guys as I think you do an outstanding job.

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