Hello everyone,
As you would probably gather from my post title, I am new to the forums, so hi!
Second I have just recently been the proud purchaser of an 08 focus
I love the car, drives fantastic, clean and easy to get around in, no BS basically and they are pretty quick little beasts.
Anyway I'll get more to the point. With good ole K Rudds $900 economy booster getting deposited into my back account very soon, I have been thinking of performance upgrades for my car. But i want some feedback before I do/try anything.
1. Is it worth it? Should I worry about it, or wait a lil while and buy a xr5/rs? (which won't be for a long while).
2. If It is worth it, what is the best money can buy performance upgrade? I don't want to spend an arm and a leg, nor do I want to turbo it.
So yeah, thats about it really. If anyone has any helpful information that they want to add feel free. Ill post some pics up soon of my lil black beast!