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Old 07-04-2009, 06:33 AM   #18
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 976

I don't even know if they make them in this size but Highway MAX remoulds, the most favoured tyre in Victoria amoung the street racers despite being almost as soft as a true race slick and not lasting all that long is a very good tyre for people on a budget. Simply because they don't cost much. But the fact that they stick and stop better than any of your typical 150-200$ sport tyres makes them worth considering (they are made in Melbourne too). I would highly reccomend you ask about them at least, I wont run anything else on my car just because they are the only tyre I feel safe on in my budget . All this is void if you don't live in Victoria tho because you wont be able to get them
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