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Old 05-02-2009, 07:33 PM   #82
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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If it goes through as is based on 07/08 TI I should get most if not all. If based on some other measure I will be inelligible, but wife will be eligible regardless.

Being lucky that we don't 'need' it (of course we could always 'use' it), and I don't really agree with getting it, we will do our best to spend it as intended. I read that the best way is to eat out or buy Australian products. I might get some minor work done around the house or on the Fairlane, paying someone to do what I would normally have done myself.

I am keen to help the economy. My brother has been fired twice in 2 months from welding jobs as demand slows and workshops downsize. The job he got after being fired from his long standing job only lasted a month before it too was downsized. He got another gig today, but now is on the 'last on, first off' roundabout as he will be the first to go from anywhere given he was the last hired. Of course if he needs it, our money will be his, otherwise I am keen to do whatever I can to help the economy.

I have been doing this for the last few months though. I held off buying all this discretionary luxury stuff for years because it would be bad for the economy. Then when it all started going pear shaped and we were told to spend up, I bought new work clothes (that I needed though), Full HD TV, new computer, did reno's on my place, and got local tradesmen into do work that I would have otherwise done. We went away down the coast over Christmas as per normal - but spent more.

We have been going to some different restaurants here too as well as significantly increasing our charity donations.

While I was saving and paying off the mortgage before and being a bit of a tight a... (bit did go overseas), I am now not saving as much. Everyone else may be battening down the hatches, but its all about preceptions and sentiment. The only problem is acting on those non-tangible issues creates real problems. Could I potentially be doing myself a disservice in terms of personal wealth, yes. But if everyone hordes their cash now, we are all doomed.

Or maybe I'll just put it all on black...
93 NC2 Fairlane Ghia Sportsman. Standard Tickford 162kw engine and touring suspension, factory LTD trim option plus EF Ghia wheels. Other rides: Range Rover Sport, Mini Cooper Chilli Cabrio

Last edited by Pinch; 05-02-2009 at 07:39 PM.
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