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Old 11-01-2005, 07:10 PM   #15
Yellow Fire
Cleveland Powered
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 200

- The guys camping around us. Nicest bunch of campers I've met yet (even if they did drive Holdens)

- Saturday night entertainment: No, not the stuff in the arena, the burnouts etc taking place around the park. I know not everyone likes it, but I love Summernats for the wild atmosphere on Saturday nights.

- Avoiding the cops. Either I was too early for the usual road block or they realised that picking on people with nice cars is a waste of time.

- Lapping the park about a million times without a problem. As long as you keep off the road late at night when the big boys come out to play you're fine.

- The bogans: Again not everyone's cup of tea, but for some reason I find them hilarious. Some of the comments you get cruising around are comedy gold.

- Lack of sleep. By Saturday I was buggered & missed some cool stuff.

- Security searches. They were all over the place with no idea what they were doing. I never once opened the bonnet or glovebox when being searched coming back into the park, but they went through our cars & tents on Friday night determined to find something. Get it right guys.

Last edited by Yellow Fire; 11-01-2005 at 07:11 PM.
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